Meditation und Wissenschaft
Meditation wirkt. Dies hat die Wissenschaft – Neurobiologie und Verhaltenspsychologie – bereits mehrfach belegt. In den letzten zehn Jahren hat in der Meditationsforschung die Anzahl wissenschaftlicher Publikationen, welche die Wirksamkeit von Meditation belegen, stark zugenommen.
Diese Forschungsergebnisse zeigen, dass sich das Gehirn durch regelmässige Meditation verändert (Neuroplastizität). Es gibt messbare Verdichtungen der grauen Hirnsubstanz in Hirnregionen (Amygdala, Hippocampus, Präfrontaler Kortex), die mit Fähigkeiten in Verbindung stehen wie Konzentration, Selbstwahrnehmung, Emotionssteuerung, Empathie, Resilienz sowie Stressresistenz (Greeson (2009), Mindfulness Research Update: 2008.; Luders et al. (2015), Forever Young(er): potential age-defying effects of long-term meditation on gray matter atrophy.).
Diese hirnphysiologischen Veränderungen können zu diversen Vorteilen führen. Aber nicht nur das Gehirn, sondern der ganze Körper reagiert positiv auf den meditativen Zustand: Der Herzschlag wird langsamer, die Atmung gleichmässiger und tiefer, Muskelanspannungen werden gelöst. Hier eine unvollständige Übersicht der bemerkenswerten Ergebnisse:
Wir möchten darauf hinweisen, dass bei weitem nicht alle Studien die positiven Wirkungen von Meditation und Achtsamkeit beweisen, sondern oft nur Tendenzen oder signifikante Hinweise liefern. Viele Studien im Bereich Achtsamkeit verfügen zudem über eine mässige Qualität und deren Resultate sind mit Vorsicht zu interpretieren. Weiter ist anzufügen, dass das Forschungsfeld über unangenehme meditationsbezogene Erfahrungen noch am Anfang steht. Einen kritischen Blick auf die Wissenschaft der Meditation und Achtsamkeit liefern die Neurowissenschaftlerinnen Willoughby Britton, Catherine Kerr sowie die Psychologin Ute Kreplin.
Erschwerend für die Meditationsforschung ist, dass Wissenschaftler nicht überprüfen können, was in den Köpfen der Probanden vor sich geht. Sie wissen nicht, ob die Studienteilnehmer wirklich meditieren oder ob sie nur tagträumen oder sogar schlafen. Weitere Schwierigkeiten birgt die Kontrollgruppe. Um die Wirksamkeit einer Therapie nachzuweisen, werden die Teilnehmer medizinischer Studien üblicherweise in zwei Gruppen gelost. Die eine erhält den Wirkstoff, die andere ein Scheinmedikament. Kein Beteiligter weiss, wer in welcher Gruppe ist. Beim Meditieren weiss der Proband aber, was er tut und was das Ergebnis sein soll. Fühlt er sich nachher entspannter, könnte das der Kraft der Suggestion geschuldet sein.
Aus dem Jahre 2015 stammt die Evidenzkarte der Achtsamkeit, welche eine unvollständige Übersicht der Wirksamkeit von Achtsamkeit gibt. Es gilt zu beachten, dass die Ergebnisse von Studien nur bedingt miteinander vergleichbar sind, weil sich die als „Meditation“ untersuchten Methoden erheblich voneinander unterscheiden können.
Nachfolgend sind wissenschaftliche Studien in zeitlicher Reihenfolge aufgelistet, die den Nutzen und die positive Wirkung von Meditation und Achtsamkeit belegen, erhärten oder zumindest Hinweise darauf geben. Diese Liste der Meditationsforschung ist nicht abschliessend. Laufend werden neue und immer mehr Studien über Meditation publiziert. Auf der Datenbank der US National Library of Medicine (National Institutes of Health), im Online-Archiv des Mind & Life Institut sowie bei der American Mindfulness Research Association sind mehrere Tausend wissenschaftliche Studien über Meditation einsehbar.
- 210719 Sommers-Spijkerman et al. (2021), New Evidence in the Booming Field of Online Mindfulness: An Updated Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 210601 Lusnig et al. (2021), Meditation affects word recognition of meditation novices.
- 210521 Saini et al. (2021), The effects of meditation on individuals facing loneliness: a scoping review.
- 210422 Concz et al. (2021), Meditation interventions efficiently reduce cortisol levels of at-risk samples: a meta-analysis.
- 210315 Roca et al. (2021), Not all types of meditation are the same: Mediators of change in mindfulness and compassion meditation interventions.
- 210201 Blasche et al. (2021), Is a meditation retreat the better vacation? effect of retreats and vacations on fatigue, emotional well-being, and acting with awareness.
- 210201 Menezes de Sousa et al. (2021), Brief mindfulness-based training and mindfulness trait attenuate psychological stress in university students: a randomized controlled trial.
- 210128 Sánchez-Sánchez et al. (2021), Mindfulness in Sexual Activity, Sexual Satisfaction and Erotic Fantasies in a Non-Clinical Sample.
- 210115 Igarashi et al. (2021), The effects of a short-term meditation-based mindfulness protocol in patients receiving hemodialysis.
- 210114 Canby et al. (2021), The Contribution of Common and Specific Therapeutic Factors to Mindfulness-Based Intervention Outcomes.
- 210113 Díaz-Rodríguez et al. (2021), Effects of Meditation on Mental Health and Cardiovascular Balance in Caregivers.
- 210111 Gizewski et al. (2021), Short-term meditation training influences brain energy metabolism: A pilot study on 31 P MR spectroscopy
- 201214 Wells et al. (2020), Effectiveness of Mindfulness Meditation vs Headache Education for Adults With Migraine: A Randomized Clinical Trial.
- 201204 Erkan et al. (2020), Romantic relationship experiences and emotion regulation strategies of regular mindfulness meditation practitioners: A qualitative study.
- 201116 Tang et al. (2020), Brief Mindfulness Meditation Induces Gray Matter Changes in a Brain Hub.
- 201026 Fazia et al. (2020), Short-Term Meditation Training Fosters Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation: A Pilot Study.
- 200930 Tsui et al. (2020), Mindfulness Meditation, Mental Health, and Health-Related Quality of Life in Chinese Buddhist Monastics.
- 200910 Hülsheger et al. (2020), The regulating role of mindfulness in enacted workplace incivility: An experience sampling study.
- 200904 Matiz et al. (2020), Positive Impact of Mindfulness Meditation on Mental Health of Female Teachers during the COVID-19 Outbreak in Italy.
- 200904 Izzetoglu et al. (2020), Short-Term Effects of Meditation on Sustained Attention as Measured by fNIRS.
- 200820 Ludwig et al. (2020), Self-Regulation Without Force: Can Awareness Leverage Reward to Drive Behavior Change?
- 200525 Youngs et al. (2020), Mindfulness Meditation Improves Visual Short-Term Memory.
- 200416 Iwamoto et al. (2020), Mindfulness Meditation Activates Altruism.
- 200401 Koerten et al. (2020), Cardiovascular Effects of Brief Mindfulness Meditation Among Perfectionists Experiencing Failure.
- 200323 Chang et al. (2020), Meditation Practice Improves Short-Term Changes in Heart Rate Variability.
- 200302 Vonderlin et al. (2020), Mindfulness-Based Programs in the Workplace: a Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 200301 Denkova et al. (2020), Is resilience trainable? An initial study comparing mindfulness and relaxation training in firefighters.
- 200210 Thimmapuram et al. (2020), Heartfulness Meditation Improves Sleep in Chronic Insomnia.
- 200117 Jha et al. (2020), Comparing Mindfulness and Positivity Trainings in High-Demand Cohorts.
- 200105 Schutte et al. (2020), Meditation and Telomere Length: A Meta-Analysis.
- 190906 Lin et al. (2019), On Variation in Mindfulness Training: A Multimodal Study of Brief Open Monitoring Meditation on Error Monitoring.
- 190601 Jones et al. (2019), The effects of a short-term mindfulness meditation intervention on coping flexibility.
- 190601 Gamaiunova et al. (2019), Exploration of psychological mechanisms of the reduced stress response in long-term meditation practitioners.
- 190515 Hanley & Garnald (2019), Mindfulness training disrupts Pavlovian conditioning.
- 190515 Saeed et al. (2019), Depression and Anxiety Disorders: Benefits of Exercise, Yoga, and Meditation.
- 190507 Wielgosz et al. (2019), Mindfulness Meditation and Psychopathology. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 190501 Spinelli et al. (2019), Mindfulness training for healthcare professionals and trainees: A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.
- 190402 Ramírez-Barrantes et al. (2019), Default Mode Network, Meditation, and Age-Associated Brain Changes: What Can We Learn from the Impact of Mental Training on Well-Being as a Psychotherapeutic Approach?
- 190328 Valim et al. (2019), A Positive Emotional-Based Meditation but Not Mindfulness-Based Meditation Improves Emotion Regulation.
- 190327 Montero-Marin et al. (2019), Religiosity and Meditation Practice: Exploring Their Explanatory Power on Psychological Adjustment.
- 190301 Kwak et al. (2019), The Immediate and Sustained Positive Effects of Meditation on Resilience Are Mediated by Changes in the Resting Brain.
- 190301 Perry (2019), Perceptions of Mindfulness: A Qualitative Analysis of Group Work in Addiction Recovery.
- 190224 Bostock et al. (2019), Mindfulness on-the-go: Effects of a mindfulness meditation app on work stress and well-being. –> 10-20 min Meditation jeden 3. Tag zeigt auch schon Wirkung!
- 190223 Chan et al. (2019), Effects of Meditation and Mind-Body Exercises on Older Adults‘ Cognitive Performance: A Meta-analysis.
- 190222 Sevinc & Lazar (2019), How does mindfulness training improve moral cognition: a theoretical and experimental framework for the study of embodied ethics.
- 190221 Wells et al. (2019), Complementary and Integrative Medicine for Episodic Migraine: an Update of Evidence from the Last 3 Years.
- 190201 Recine et al. (2019), How People Forgive: A Systematic Review of Nurse-Authored Qualitative Research.
- 190201 Lindsay et al. (2019), Mindfulness training reduces loneliness and increases social contact in a randomized controlled trial.
- 190201 Wang et al. (2019), The Effect of Mind-Body Therapies on Insomnia: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 190123 Klimecki et al. (2019), The impact of meditation on healthy ageing – the current state of knowledge and a roadmap to future directions.
- 190117 Pozuelos et al. (2019), Short-term mindful breath awareness training improves inhibitory control and response monitoring. -> Verbesserte Impulskontrolle
- 190101 Basso et al. (2019), Brief, daily meditation enhances attention, memory, mood, and emotional regulation in non-experienced meditators.
–> 13 min Meditation pro Tag zeigt auch schon Wirkung! - 190101 Brandmeyer et al. (2019), The neuroscience of meditation: classification, phenomenology, correlates, and mechanisms. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 190101 Raffone et al. (2019), Toward a brain theory of meditation. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 181227 Dada et al. (2018), Mindfulness Meditation Reduces Intraocular Pressure, Lowers Stress Biomarkers and Modulates Gene Expression in Glaucoma: A Randomized Controlled Trial.
- 181126 Harrison et al. (2018), Trait mindfulness is associated with lower pain reactivity and connectivity of the default mode network.
- 181113 Ponte Màrquez et al. (2018), Benefits of mindfulness meditation in reducing blood pressure and stress in patients with arterial hypertension.
- 181101 Heckenberg et al. (2018, Do workplace-based mindfulness meditation programs improve physiological indices of stress? A systematic review and meta-analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 181101 Ferreira-Vorkapic et al. (2018), The Impact of Yoga Nidra and Seated Meditation on the Mental Health of College Professors.
- 181009 Gerritsen & Band (2018), Breath of Life: The Respiratory Vagal Stimulation Model of Contemplative Activity. -> Vagusnerv/Parasympathikus -> Selbstregulation
- 181001 Strowger et al. (2018), Mindfulness meditation and physical activity: Evidence from 2012 National Health Interview Survey.
- 180912 Schöne et al. (2018), Mindful breath awareness meditation facilitates efficiency gains in brain networks: A steady-state visually evoked potentials study.
- 180818 Vella & McIver (2018), Reducing stress and burnout in the public-sector work environment: A mindfulness meditation pilot study.
- 180801 Sinha et al. (2018), Effect of 6 Months of Meditation on Blood Sugar, Glycosylated Hemoglobin, and Insulin Levels in Patients of Coronary Artery Disease.
- 180801 Farina et al. (2018), Introducing Mindfulness Practices for Self-Care: Outcomes of a Brief Education Session.
- 180801 Graser & Stangier (2018), Compassion and Loving-Kindness Meditation: An Overview and Prospects for the Application in Clinical Samples.
- 180705 Pang & Ruch (2018), Scrutinizing the Components of Mindfulness: Insights from Current, Past, and Non-meditators.
- 180702 Fujino et al. (2018), Open monitoring meditation reduces the involvement of brain regions related to memory function.
- 180622 Chételat et al. (2018), Why could meditation practice help promote mental health and well-being in aging?
- 180609 Luberto et al. (2018), A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of the Effects of Meditation on Empathy, Compassion, and Prosocial Behaviors. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 180601 Hülsheger et al. (2018), How can mindfulness be promoted? Workload and recovery experiences as antecedents of daily fluctuations in mindfulness.
- 180418 Garland & Howard (2018), Mindfulness-based treatment of addiction: current state of the field and envisioning the next wave of research.
- 180401 Lau et al. (2018), Potential Mechanisms of Mindfulness in Improving Sleep and Distress.
- 180101 Lingtao & Zellmer-Bruhn (2018), Mindfulness at work: Study first to uncover positive benefits for teams.
- 170831 Chételat et al. (2017), Reduced age-associated brain changes in expert meditators: a multimodal neuroimaging pilot study.
- 170831 Engen et al. (2017), Structural changes in socio-affective networks: Multi-modal MRI findings in long-term meditationpractitioners.
- 170831 Chaix et al. (2017), Epigenetic clock analysis in long-term meditators.
- 170830 Paudyal et al. (2017), Meditation for asthma: Systematic review and meta-analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 170825 Bernardi et al. (2017), Acute fall and long-term rise in oxygen saturation in response to meditation.
- 170823 Pascoe et al. (2017), Mindfulness mediates the physiological markers of stress: Systematic review and meta-analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 170731 Lacaille et al. (2017), Daily Mindful Responding Mediates the Effect of Meditation Practice on Stress and Mood: The Role of Practice Duration and Adherence.
- 170711 Kyeong et al. (2017), Effects of gratitude meditation on neural network functional connectivity and brain-heart coupling.
- 170625 Pokorski & Suchorzynska (2017), Psychobehavioral Effects of Meditation.
- 170627 van Lutterveld et al. (2017), Meditation is associated with increased brain network integration.
- 170701 Burger & Lockhart (2017), Meditation’s Effect on Attentional Efficiency, Stress, and Mindfulness Characteristics of Nursing Students.
- 170408 Gundel et al. (2017), Meditation and the brain -Neuronal correlates of mindfulness as assessed with near infrared spectroscopy.
- 170401 Hilton et al. (2017), Mindfulness Meditation for Chronic Pain: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 170331 Thimmapuram et al. (2017), Effect of heartfulness meditation on burnout, emotional wellness, and telomere length in health care professionals.
- 170301 Schwind et al. (2017), Mindfulness practice as a teaching-learning strategy in higher education: A qualitative exploratory pilot study.
- 170226 Kasai et al. (2017), Psychological effects of meditation at a Buddhist monastery in Myanmar.
- 170201 Aspy et al. (2017), Mindfulness and Loving-Kindness Meditation.
- 170108 Malinowski et al. (2017), Mindful Aging: The Effects of Regular Brief Mindfulness Practice on Electrophysiological Markers of Cognitive and Affective Processing in Older Adults.
- 170103 Creswell (2017), Mindfulness Interventions.
- 160901 Bing-Canar et al. (2016), Mindfulness-of-breathing exercise modulates EEG alpha activity during cognitive performance. -> Erhöhte Fähigkeit zur Selbstbeobachtung
- 160830 Epel et al. (2016), Meditation and vacation effects have an impact on disease-associated molecular phenotypes.
- 160729 Chang et al. (2016), Effects of a Meditation Program on Nurses‘ Power and Quality of Life.
- 160701 Doll et al. (2016), Mindful attention to breath regulates emotions via increased amygdala-prefrontal cortex connectivity. -> Verbesserte Emotionsregulation
- 160607 Wielgosz et al. (2016), Long-term mindfulness training is associated with reliable differences in resting respiration rate.
- 160601 Black & Slavich (2016), Mindfulness meditation and the immune system: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 160601 Tang et al. (2016), Mindfulness meditation improves emotion regulation and reduces drug abuse.
- 160601 Rosenkranz et al. (2016), Reduced stress and inflammatory responsiveness in experienced meditators compared to a matched healthy control group.
- 160601 Liu et al. (2016), Use of Mindfulness Sitting Meditation in Chinese American Women in Treatment of Cancer.
- 160517 Luders & Cherbuin (2016), Searching for the philosopher’s stone: promising links between meditation and brain preservation.
- 160401 Spijkerman (2016), Effectiveness of online mindfulness-based interventions in improving mental health.
- 160222 Dentico et al. (2016), Short Meditation Trainings Enhance Non-REM Sleep Low-Frequency Oscillations.
- 160114 Laneri et al. (2016), Effects of Long-Term Mindfulness Meditation on Brain’s White Matter Microstructure and its Aging.
- 160101 Han-Gue Jo et al. (2016), Meditation and attention: A controlled study on long-term meditators in behavioral performance and event-related potentials of attentional control.
- 151231 Szekeres & Wertheim (2015), Evaluation of Vipassana Meditation Course Effects on Subjective Stress, Well-being, Self-kindness and Mindfulness in a Community Sample: Post-course and 6-month Outcomes.
- 151101 Demarzo et al. (2015), The Efficacy of Mindfulness-Based Interventions in Primary Care: A Meta-Analytic Review. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 151015 de Fatima Rosas et al. (2015), Decrease in blood pressure and improved psychological aspects through meditation training in hypertensive older adults: A randomized control study.
- 151001 Pinzano & Breso (2015), The effects of a self-observation-based meditation intervention on acceptance or rejection of the other.
- 150901 Ratanasiripong et al. (2015), Stress and Anxiety Management in Nursing Students: Biofeedback and Mindfulness Meditation.
- 150701 Lumma et al. (2015), Is meditation always relaxing? Investigating heart rate, heart rate variability, experienced effort and likeability during training of three types of meditation.
- 150501 Banks et al. (2015), The protective effects of brief mindfulness meditation training.
- 150501 Sorrel (2015), Meditation for older adults: a new look at an ancient intervention for mental health.
- 150501 Dunlop (2015), Meditation, stress relief, and well-being.
- 150416 Tang et al. (2015), The neuroscience of mindfulness meditation. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 150401 Black et al. (2015), Mindfulness meditation and improvement in sleep quality and daytime impairment among older adults with sleep disturbances: a randomized clinical trial.
- 150125 Luders et al. (2015), Forever Young(er): potential age-defying effects of long-term meditation on gray matter atrophy.
- 141201 Trousselard et al. (2014), The history of Mindfulness put to the test of current scientific data: unresolved questions.
- 141029 Colzato et al. (2014), Prior Meditation Practice Modulates Performance and Strategy Use in Convergent- and Divergent-Thinking Problems (Creativity)
- 140923 Lippelt et al. (2014), Focused attention, open monitoring and loving kindness meditation: effects on attention, conflict monitoring, and creativity – A review. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 140901 Black et al. (2014), Mindfulness-based intervention for prodromal sleep disturbances in older adults: design and methodology of a randomized controlled trial.
- 140801 Seppälä et al. (2014), Breathing-based meditation decreases posttraumatic stress disorder symptoms in U.S. military veterans: a randomized controlled longitudinal study.
- 140701 Creswell et al. (2014), Brief mindfulness meditation training alters psychological and neuroendocrine responses to social evaluative stress.
- 140422 Gard et al. (2014), Fluid intelligence and brain functional organization in aging yoga and meditation practitioners.
- 140401 Schutte & Malouff (2014), A meta-analytic review of the effects of mindfulness meditation on telomerase activity. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 140301 Goyal et al. (2014), Meditation programs for psychological stress and well-being: a systematic review and meta-analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 140218 Singleton et al. (2014), Change in Brainstem Gray Matter Concentration Following a Mindfulness-Based Intervention is Correlated with Improvement in Psychological Well-Being.
- 140121 Desbordes et al. (2014), Moving beyond Mindfulness: Defining Equanimity as an Outcome Measure in Meditation and Contemplative Research.
- 140110 Capurso et al. (2014), Mindful creativity: the influence of mindfulness meditation on creative thinking
- 140101 Vago (2014), Mapping modalities of self-awareness in mindfulness practice: a potential mechanism for clarifying habits of mind.
- 140101 Britton et atl. (2014), Awakening is not a metaphor: the effects of Buddhist meditation practices on basic wakefulness.
- 131113 Paulson et al. (2013), Becoming conscious: the science of mindfulness.
- 130901 Krygier et al. (2013), Mindfulness meditation, well-being, and heart rate variability: a preliminary investigation into the impact of intensive Vipassana meditation.
- 130828 Ferrarelli et al. (2013), Experienced mindfulness meditators exhibit higher parietal-occipital EEG gamma activity during NREM sleep.
- 121123 Edenfield & Saeed (2012), An update on mindfulness meditation as a self-help treatment for anxiety and depression
- 120601 Ostafin & Kassman (2012), Stepping out of history: mindfulness improves insight problem solving.
- 120514 Sedlmeier et al. (2012), The psychological effects of meditation: a meta-analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 120418 Colzato et al. (2012), Meditate to create: the impact of focused-attention and open-monitoring training on convergent and divergent thinking
- 120301 Hülsheger et al. (2012), Benefits of mindfulness at work: the role of mindfulness in emotion regulation, emotional exhaustion, and job satisfaction.
- 120301 Libby et al. (2012), Meditation-induced changes in high-frequency heart rate variability predict smoking outcomes.
- 120229 Luders et al. (2012), The Unique Brain Anatomy of Meditation Practitioners: Alterations in Cortical Gyrification.
- 120221 Luders et al. (2012), Bridging the Hemispheres in Meditation: thicker callosal regions and enhanced fractional anisotropy (FA) in long-term practitioners.
- 111106 Hölzl et al. (2011), How Does Mindfulness Meditation Work? Proposing Mechanisms of Action From a Conceptual and Neural Perspective.
- 110801 Ott et al. (2011), Brain structure and meditation: How spiritual practice shapes the brain.
- 110726 Hofmann et al. (2011), Loving-Kindness and Compassion Meditation: Potential for Psychological Interventions.
- 110606 Luders et al. (2011), Enhanced Brain Connectivity in Long-term Meditation Practitioners.
- 110601 Jacobs et al. (2011), Intensive meditation training, immune cell telomerase activity, and psychological mediators.
- 110101 Albrecht (2011), Does meditation play an integral role in achieving high-level wellness as defined by Travis and Ryan (2004)?
- 101201 Hodgins & Adair (2010), Attentional processes and meditation.
- 101112 Killingsworth & Gilbert, A wandering mind is an unhappy mind.
- 101102 Hölzl et al. (2010), Mindfulness practice leads to increases in regional brain gray matter density.
- 100816 Tang et al. (2010), Short-term meditation induces white matter changes in the anterior cingulate.
- 100623 Feldman et al. (2010), Differential effects of mindful breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and loving-kindness meditation on decentering and negative reactions to repetitive thoughts.
- 100301 Fortney & Taylor (2010), Meditation in medical practice: a review of the evidence and practice.
- 100202 Jha et al. (2010), Examining the protective effects of mindfulness training on working memory capacity and affective experience.
- 091031 Baerentsen et al. (2009), An investigation of brain processes supporting meditation.
- 090923 Hölzl et al (2009), Stress reduction correlates with structural changes in the amygdala.
- 090801 Epel et al. (2009), Can meditation slow rate of cellular aging? Cognitive stress, mindfulness, and telomeres.
- 090501 Chiesa & Serretti (2009), Mindfulness-based stress reduction for stress management in healthy people: a review and meta-analysis. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 090415 Luders et al. (2009), The underlying anatomical correlates of long-term meditation: Larger hippocampal and frontal volumes of gray matter.
- 090101 Greeson (2009), Mindfulness Research Update: 2008.
- 081101 Fredrickson et al. (2008), Open Hearts Build Lives: Positive Emotions, Induced Through Loving-Kindness Meditation, Build Consequential Personal Resources.
- 081001 Hutcherson et al. (2008), Loving-kindness meditation increases social connectedness.
- 080917 Ludwig & Kabat-Zinn (2008), Mindfulness in Medicine.
- 080903 Pagnoni et al. (2008), “Thinking about Not-Thinking”: Neural Correlates of Conceptual Processing during Zen Meditation.
- 080701 Shapiro et al. (2008), Cultivating mindfulness: effects on well-being.
- 080601 Chambers et al. (2008), The Impact of Intensive Mindfulness Training on Attentional Control, Cognitive Style, and Affect.
- 080401 Carmody et al. (2008), Mindfulness, spirituality, and health-related symptoms.
- 080326 Lutz et al. (2008), Regulation of the neural circuitry of emotion by compassion meditation: effects of meditative expertise.
- 080310 Lutz et al. (2008), Attention regulation and monitoring in meditation.
- 080101 Davidson & Lutz (2008), Buddha’s Brain: Neuroplasticity and Meditation.
- 071203 Hölzl et al. (2007), Investigation of mindfulness meditation practitioners with voxel-based morphometry.
- 071203 Winbush et al. (2007), The effects of mindfulness-based stress reduction on sleep disturbance: a systematic review. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 071101 Carlson et al. (2007), One year pre-post intervention follow-up of psychological, immune, endocrine and blood pressure outcomes of mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) in breast and prostate cancer outpatients.
- 071011 Tang et al. (2007), Short-term meditation training improves attention and self-regulation.
- 071001 Pagnoni & Cekic (2007), Age effects on gray matter volume and attentional performance in Zen meditation.
- 070813 Farb et al. (2007), Attending to the present: mindfulness meditation reveals distinct neural modes of self-reference.
- 070621 Hölzl et al. (2007), Differential engagement of anterior cingulate and adjacent medial frontal cortex in adept meditators and non-meditators.
- 070601 Ospina et al. (2007), Meditation practices for health: state of the research. (Review, Übersichtsstudie)
- 070601 Jha et al. (2007), Mindfulness training modifies subsystems of attention.
- 040220 Singer et al. (2004), Empathy for pain involves the affective but not sensory components of pain.
- 040201 Critchley et al. (2004), Neural systems supporting interoceptive awareness.
- 030701 Davidson et al. (2003), Alterations in brain and immune function produced by mindfulness meditation.
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